You've been hiding from Hypnotist Jennifer. Not too long ago, you accidentally
walked into your business partner's meeting with well dressed lady, as you pay
closer attention to the conversation, you noticed his eyes was locked onto the
redhead's eyes, nodding his head slowy, quietly whispering "yes mistress" over
and over again. Soon you realize that your business partner is being hypnotized
and brainwashed, as you try to escape, the red hair lady caught up with you and
make you stare into her eyes as well.
You were frozen, mindless and ready to be go under her control.. just then a
couple firetruck went by with full sirens blazing, waking both of you up. As she
went to secure your business partner, you took the chance and escaped.
The FHRA just can't let someone loose as witness to our operation, so they sent
Hypnotist Jennifer to "recover" you. You know that they have all your
information, so you've been on the run. You can't go home, Jennifer knows
where you live. You can't go to your office, they know where you work. You can't
go to your friends and relative, Jennifer might be there waiting for you.
So you find yourself hiding in an inconspicuous motel room. Just when you think
you have safely escaped this female hypnotist conspiracy, you found Hypnotist
Jennifer there in your room. Waiting for you with her pocket watch.
The truth is, you were already hypnotized the moment you look into Jennifer's
eyes. The moment the sound of her voice penetrates your ears, your mind
begins to melt. From this moment on, you existence totally dependent on
Jennifer's command. As you now being hold captive, body frozen and mind
melting, you are totally at Hypnotist Jennifer's mercy, ready to be molded and
transformed into her mindless thrall.
You now belong to Jennifer